Your Questions About Direct Tv Channel Guide

Lizzie asks…

What is the least expensive basic cable and internet?

I am moving and i need internet and maybe basic cable…(i dont have a box).

What is the cheapest place to get it from?
minneapolis, mn

Nagesh answers:

Comcast. It comes with high speed internet and when you get cable with it, they get like 10% off I think? And they have a lot of TV channel,
not as much as Direct TV although it’s more expensive and has lots of channel that aren’t that needed. Comcast also comes with On Demand, so you can watch free movies, but some you have to buy.

I don’t pay for it but for me it’s around $73 dollars for me, but I have 2 TVs, one downstair WITH the box, and upstair’s WITHOUT a box, so the one upstair is only 10 dollars more. If you don’t want the box, then you only have to pay 10 dollars plus the internet which is $10-20. I like to have a box so I can use the TV guide and stuff, it’s easier.

Sharon asks…

How do I create a sports information budget?

I have no idea where ti start and google hasn’t been much help.

Nagesh answers:

You don’t indicate whether the budget you have to create is for just one person for purchasing various kinds of sports information such as sports magazine or newspaper subscriptions, subscriptions to sports databases, subscriptions to sports TV channels, etc., or if the budget to be created is for a Sports Information division within a larger sports organization – meaning public relations/communications/advertising for the organization including the creation/maintenance of a web site and the creation and publication of traditional sports publications and press releases and which will also include paid subscriptions to other sports information resources such as those a person would pay for individual consumption. An organization’s sports information budget will also need to include employee annual salaries and the costs of employee benefits (health insurance, Social Security taxes, state Worker’s Compensation taxes, etc.)

Whatever kind of sports information budget you have to create, you will need to start to research the cost of subscriptions, services, etc. To gather cost estimations to compile the budget.

Since you have posted your question in Y!A Higher Education I will assume you have an assignment for a college-level course. If so, the reference librarians at your campus library will help you learn the sources of the kind of information you need to compile. Your assignment may be one that is made every year or every semester, so they will be very familiar with what sort of information is needed. They will also direct you to good sources with information on how a budget should look like written on paper/in a document. Visit the campus library soon and talk with some of the reference librarians about your assignment so they can guide you on how to start going about completing it.

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Best wishes

Maria asks…

What is the best way to launch a new product/service concept?

I have a new product and service idea that relates to individual preferences. What would be the best way to start initializing it?

Nagesh answers:

So you want to bring a new product or service to market. You’ve done your homework and decided exactly what you plan to offer; now all you need to generate is sales. Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? But every day, countless new product and service ideas are conceived–never to be born because they’re not properly brought to market. In fact, a large percentage of the calls my company’s coaches receive are from small-business owners who want exactly this sort of help. And we carefully guide them through these seven important steps that will help them successfully bring their new products and services to market.

1. Study your competition. Many business marketing classes teach participants how to perform a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. You have to start by taking a serious look at your competitors. Make a list of the businesses that offer products or services similar to the one you plan to launch. Even if you think your new product or service is entirely unique and without existing competition, it’s important to put yourself in your prospective customers’ shoes and imagine what they might buy in lieu of what you plan to offer. Once you decide whom your competitors will be, review their marketing materials, including their ads, brochures and websites. Evaluate how your new product or service will stand up against what’s already being offered, in what ways you’ll excel, and which companies or their offerings pose the greatest threats to your success.

2. Target the ideal customer. To successfully launch your new product or service with minimum financial outlay, it’s essential to focus exclusively on the prospects you believe are most likely to purchase from you. These may be customers who are currently buying something similar and will appreciate the additional features your new product or service provides. Your best prospects have a perceived need for what you offer, can afford to buy it and have demonstrated a willingness to do so–probably by purchasing from your competition. Bear in mind, it’s always easier to fill a need than to create one.

3. Create a unique value proposition. At this stage, you should have a clear understanding of what you must offer in order to stand apart from your competition and who will want to take advantage of your offer. But do you know why customers will want to buy from you vs. The vast field of competitors out there? What benefits and features will you provide that your prospective customers will value most? The bottom line is that your product or service “bundle” should be unique and meet the needs and desires of your best prospects.

4. Define your marketing strategy and tactics. Next, choose your sales and marketing channels. Will you market online, via catalog or through dealers, for example? Generally, multichannel marketers achieve the greatest success because customers who can shop when and however they like tend to spend more and shop more often. Suppose your strategy is to market a low-cost workout device to people who can’t afford gym memberships or high-priced home equipment. You might choose traditional direct marketing plus online sales as your primary channels, and employ tactics including direct-response TV spots and online ads and e-mail solicitations that link to your website.

5. Test your concept and marketing approach. With all the money it takes to bring a new product or service to market, it’s foolhardy to rush headlong into the launch phase prior to testing. What should you test? It’s best to examine your product or service bundle plus your marketing message and you’re your marketing materials. Depending on what you plan to market and your budget, you can use formal focus groups (or simply host roundtable discussions with members of the target audience), employ online research or mall intercept studies, or distribute your product to a select group of users for testing. Only after testing is complete, should you proceed to the final creation of your marketing tools and materials.

6. Roll out your campaign. Public relations often plays a vital role in the launch of a product or service. You can use media relations tactics to place articles and win interviews, get coverage by allowing key press to review your product, hold a launch event, or use grass roots marketing to build buzz. But no matter what publicity route you choose, first make sure your product or service is completely ready and available for purchase in order to maximize returns from the coverage you receive. And your other marketing efforts should follow closely on the heels of your press roll out. Monitor the results from all media, and in the first weeks and months, be prepared to adjust your campaign to take advantage of what’s working best.

7. Know your product’s lifecycle. The campaign you use during the introduction and education phase of your product or service launch will need to be updated as your product or service matures. If you’

Donna asks…

How to select a best DTH(Dish TV) service in India.?

Which is the best Dish TV service ? Dish TV or Tata Sky or Sun Direct. Can any one guide me with technical inputs.

Nagesh answers:

To tell you “All are fighting for market share”. I use Tata Sky, I am satisfied with the picture quality, the sound etc etc, but I was promised a number of channels a long time back (approx 1 1/2 years), but I don’t see any of those channels. None the less, I will stick to Tata Sky (their service is good, maybe a little expensive, but good). On the other hand, Zee’s Dish Tv, faces some probs during rains( my friends view), but the free set top box makes up for it :).

Besides Tatasky, I also have cable, it is good, but as far their service goes, you will have to beg them to come to your house to see what is wrong with anything, signal, cables set top box etc, but they are relatively VERY CHEAP, with over 200 channels for just Rs.200 p.m.

For your info, Videcon and Reliance are also going to launch Dish services, by the end of this year. So I would suggest to you, to wait a little, and then make an informed decision, so you will be completely satisfied with your choice.

Hope this helps you 🙂

Laura asks…

What channel is Seventh Heaven on Direct Tv?

What channel? And what time?

Nagesh answers:

Here’s the channel guide listing for direct tv, save it in your favorites on your computer then you can find whatever you’re needing whenever you want

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