Your Questions About Forever 21

Betty asks…

Can I still exchange something from forever 21 even if I passed the return date?

So I ordered something online and its passed the return date already. Can I still go to a forever 21 store and exchange it or is it too late.

Nagesh answers:

No. I am a Head Cashier at Forever 21 and the return policy is VERY strict. There is a barcode on the receipt that we have to scan in order to make your exchange. Once your receipt passes the exchange date, it will not even let us enter it in the system. Sorry, but you’re stuck with it. I know the policy is crazy, I dislike it a lot myself. (especially when I’m getting yelled at for not being able to make an exchange)

David asks…

How long does it take Forever 21 to respond to a resume?

I just submitted my resume (sales associate) online to Forever 21 yesterday. How long does it usually take Forever 21 to respond to a resume?

Nagesh answers:

Well i’m not too sure when exactly most businesses reply, but to boost your chances of a call back, you should call them and check in on your application. It shows you are persistant and wanting work. It always works well for me 🙂 good luck

Sandy asks…

How does the forever 21 store credit card look like?

Im returning some things that i bought from F21 and I was wondering how the card looks like?
Does it look like a regular forever 21 giftcard ? or is it different ?

Nagesh answers:


George asks…

What is it like working at forever 21 or just retail in general?

Hey guys! So I am currently in college and I got a job at forever 21. Had my interview today and got a call an hour later saying I got the position as a part time sales associate even though I had no retail experience, but I did have plenty of customer server experience. Anyway, I just want to hear from the ones that have worked at Forever or just a clothing store in general what is it like? Typically, how are the co-workers and managers, any helpful tips and advice to be successful in this job, and overall anything I should know beforehand, I will only be keeping it through the summer until I start next school year. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

It sucks

Mark asks…

what should i wear & what should i say in a forever 21 interview?

I have an interview tomorrow for forever 21, just wondering if anyone has any tips? what i should do/ shouldn’t do?

Nagesh answers:

Well don’t wear anything from Forever 21. Beause that just makes you look desperete for the job.
Wear cute clothes like stuff from Gordmans maybe?
& just say you’re really good with people & you’re really helpful and stuff.
Good luck, hope you get the job! 🙂

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