Your Questions About Direct2drive

Sandra asks…

Why do I keep losing my internet connection every time I use a download manager?

This has happened with a couple of different download managers, including Direct2Drive and Adobe’s. The download begins and then I lose the connection within a few seconds. This happens every time. I can’t even repair the connection. The only way to get my connection back is to restart my comp. Any ideas what I can do about this? I have a wireless network and it doesn’t happen with my other computers. Only the one.

Nagesh answers:

That is a pretty big problem! The problem might be your router or your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
I hope I helped!

Daniel asks…

Condemned video game goes to black screen after start up?

I bought condemned from direct2drive so its an actual copy, not the demo. It installed just fine but then goes to a black screen after start up. I also have dark fall lost souls that game does the same thing. Anyone else having this problem with either game? So far just these 2 games are doing this, all my other games run fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. My computer meets all the requirements.
Thanks everyone, I figured it out. I have to play the game in windowed mode, now it runs fine.

Nagesh answers:

Try updating to the latest driver for your GPU. If you’re running Windows 7, enable Run as an Administrator in the Compatability tab of Properties.

I use D2D as well. D2D > Steam.

Lisa asks…

Why does my guild wars take a half hour to decompress files everytime i go into a new area?

It doesnt take long to download, but every new area i go into it takes so freaking long to decrompress files. I cant do things with other people because it always decompresses. I downloaded it via Direct2Drive if that helps. Is there a way to speed up the process?

Nagesh answers:

Slow Internet and/or Computer?

Mary asks…

Whats the difference between owning a disk copy of a game or digital downloading the game?

buying CDs/DVDs vs digital download(legit/paying for it) whats the difference?

i was thinking of getting black ops as a digital download from sites like direct2drive or

now… how does this work? is it just one time download or after i pay for it, if i log in with my user id will i able to download it anywhere?

Nagesh answers:

Not sure how u it works i think u are better of going into a shop and buying it with the cd. It also depend on how fast ur internet is if u wan to get a digital copy off the game but i would get a CD copy of it

James asks…

How do I start a video game download service?

I am currently working on a gaming website and I want to sell videos games like does but I don’t know how.

Nagesh answers:

Hey you can watch them here in 1080p HD quality for free

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