Lizzie asks…
How can I manually switch from directx 9 to directx 10?
I installed directx 10 on my windows xp and now I would like know how to switch back to direct x 9.
Nagesh answers:
I might be wrong, but DirectX 10 includes everything in 9. If your graphics card doesnt support DirectX 10, then 9 will still be installed.
Robert asks…
How can I tell if my computer has a DirectX 9 compatible video card?
I bought Flight simulator and it does not work correctly. graphics responds way too slow to inputs. requirements on software says to use a directx 9 compatible video card. How can I tell if my computer has one?
Nagesh answers:
I’m assuming that you are using windows XP because if you are using windows Vista you are using DirectX10
Go to start -> Run -> type dxdiag -> press OK -> press OK again
This will run DirectX diagnostic tool. Go to the display tab and try to run the DirectDraw test and Direct3D test.
Once you finished the tests it will show you down at the bottom in notes area whether your video card is DirectX 9 compatible or not.
Chris asks…
How do you uninstall the latest directX?
After intalling a game i downloaded the latest directX but now i cant play that game any more, what should i do?
Nagesh answers:
Reinstall the DirectX which was included with the game, generally there will be a DirectX installer somewhere on the CD-ROM.
John asks…
would a video card that is compatible with directX 10 work with a computer that has DirectX 11 installed?
so i was wondering, would a video card that is compatible with directX 10 work with a computer that has DirectX 11 installed? there are sites where you can download the other types of directx right?
Nagesh answers:
DirectX is always backwards compatible. If your video card is only DX 10 capable, you will only get DX 10 features from DirectX.
You do not need to download an older copy. Couldn’t really do that anyways as you can’t install multiple copies, and Windows 7 is Direct X 11 built into the OS.
Charles asks…
How to find if directx dsk is installed ?
I have recently installed Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 in windows 7 home premium 64 bit.
I have been given a project to prepare a game in c++ from my class using visual c++ and to prepare the game, i need directx sdk.
I have heard that VS Ultimate 2012 comes with built-in directx sdk, but where can i find the directory of directx sdk ?
I want to know whether i have installed direct sdk while installing VS Ultimate 2012 or not.
I have checked the directory where VS 2012 was installed, but there was no sign of directx sdk installation.
So please guide me in detail how to install directx sdk.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Nagesh answers:
Download Directx SDK from here:
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