Sharon asks…
How to find a suitable DirectX for my graphics card in Windows 7?
I have graphics card, windows 7. How to I find a DirectX? From where to download one thats suits the best?
Nagesh answers:
Usually the graphics card installation software, or the game/software you’re using it for will have automatic DirectX software downloads built-in. My DirectX gets automatic updates on top of forced updated whenever new graphically intense programs are installed. Generally if you’ve got Windows 7 and a moderate to high-end grahpics card, the most recent DirectX software should be fine, downloadable from Microsoft or Filehippo.
Jenny asks…
How to keep a pc game from installing directx?
My computer crashes everytime a game installs directx for unknown reasons. i usually fix this by deleting the directx folder in a steam game but this time its a disc (fallout 3) since i cant delete anything from a disc what do i do to keep it from installing directx?
Nagesh answers:
You can keep a pc from installing directx from the below source. Do download the latest directx. Enjoy! 🙂
Donna asks…
What is DirectX and how does it relate to PC games?
I keep hearing people talk about DirectX on Skyrim or Battlefield 3 forums. What is DirectX? Is it something I have to download?
How do I update DirectX?
Nagesh answers:
Your computer probably already has DirectX but if you don’t know what it is then it most likely needs to be updated.
DirectX allows your games to directly access the hardware instead of using software to interface. This cuts out the middleman and allows your games to run faster and more powerfully. Older games allowed you to switch between “software” or “hardware” rendering. Software rendering was always slower. Hardware rendering uses DirectX.
Thomas asks…
What is the newest directX released right now?
I need to know, my Fallout New Vegas is acting really funny, some weird stuff and weird glitches are happening and it might be because of DirectX. So, what is the newest release of DirectX and where can I find it?
Nagesh answers:
DirectX 11 comes with Windows 7, although they might sometime later make it compatible with all other Windows.
Nancy asks…
How do I install DirectX 10 on Windows XP Pro SP3?
I have windows XP Pro and directx 9.0c. I was wondering if it was possible for me to upgrade to directX 10. My friend has a Dell XPS is running Vista with DirectX 10, so I know it’s out commercially. My computer is definitely capable of DirectX10. Thanks to all who can help!
Nagesh answers:
There is now also directx 10 for windows.
Here is the link where you can download it
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