Your Questions About Direct2drive

Susan asks…

Are there any taxes when you buy games from direct2drive?

I live in Quebec, Canada if that matters

Nagesh answers:

No, I do not believe so. I haven’t used D2D, though, so I’m not 100% sure.

Chris asks…

Have you ever bought a game from

I just want to make sure this is a safe site to buy games from. I get scared giving out my banking information.

Nagesh answers:

Yes I have bought over 10 games from D2D, never had one problem. I like that I can re-download the game at anytime. They have some great deals on older games.

William asks…

If you buy a game from Direct2Drive will it have achievements?

I was considering buying some games during the spring sale. I was wondering if a game like Dark Void which at a store in town would be part of Games for Windows and have achievements, would still be GFW and have a achievements if bought from D2D.
(>^_^)> <(^_^<)

Nagesh answers:

In short, yes. Direct2Drive is also a store. The game using GFWL is not changed by buying it at Direct2Drive. You get the actual retail game, the difference is you download it instead of driving to the store and buying a cd/dvd.

Robert asks…

Manhunt 2 PC Version Only On US Direct2Drive website – why?

How come we dont get Manhunt 2 on PC on the UK Direct2Drive website?
I have been researching a quarter of my day on the reason of this.

Nagesh answers:

Its banned in most countries and in the uk you have to get a censored copy

Mark asks…

Can you burn games from onto dvd+r or some sort of disc?

I have a hard drive full of game files and i need to clean up my computer.

I would like to burn them all to disc so i can clear the hard drive out.

Nagesh answers:


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