Your Questions About Directx

Sandra asks…

How do I get Sims 2 to work with a Directx compatible graphics adapter?

I am trying to load Sims 2 and a message pops up saying that i need to download Directx compatible graphics adapter. Please tell me what to do, and PLEASE keep it simple, because I don’t know a whole lot about computers.

Nagesh answers:

It only means that your DirectX driver is outdated. You need to update it

That site will let you to update your DirectX drive into latest which is DirectX10

Sandy asks…

What is the difference between DirectX Redistributable and DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer?

So, I want to upgrade my DirectX level. I came across two downloads:
1. DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer February 2010 9.28.1886
2. DirectX Redistributable February 2010 9.28.1886

Which one is the right one and what is the difference?

Nagesh answers:

Well as i see it they are both Direct X BUT One is Redistributable and the other is End-User Runtime Web Installer hope that clears up the mystery

Richard asks…

What websites can I download Directx 11 for Battlefield 2?

I have Battlefield 2 and people say I have to download directx 11 to play it. Tell me if this works and where to download it.

Nagesh answers:

Windows 7 comes with dx11 otherwise you should be able to get it through Windows Update or through

If your hardware doesn’t support dx11 then it’s pointless installing it.

Also Battlefield 2 is a 2005 game and doesn’t support dx10 or 11…

Ruth asks…

What is the difference between directx and a graphics card?

Or like does directx work with graphics cards?
I’m confused at the whole concept as because idk much about any conmputers but my question is How is directx different from say a GeForce graphics card? Is directx liek a graphics card? would i need a graphics card if i have directx? I have directx 10 but i also need to buy a new grapics card as my computer sucks and needs to play bigger games. Thats the whole concept i’m confused about. Like what is the difference basically?

Nagesh answers:

DirectX is basically a program that allows other programs (such as videos and games) to work with the graphics card. DirectX is pretty much like a translator, so that both the programs and the graphics card can work together.

George asks…

How can i get rid of directx 10 from windows xp?

how can i get rid of directx 10 from windows xp makes my games lag like hell!!!!!!! i want to get rid of it so bad if was just fine with the directx9 any suggestions. and system restore wont work

Nagesh answers:

You can’t. It’s part of the operating system.

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