Your Questions About Download Old Movies Online

Donna asks…

are nintendo 3ds games compatible with the older nintendo ds systems?

would zelda 3d work with nintendo ds lite?

Nagesh answers:


And You Should get the 3DS.

Because can play music (even with the system close).

You can LOWER the VOLUME of 3D so it does NOT give you headaches for the first time in your life (if you’re the kind of person to ever get headaches from 3D, otherwise just turn the 3D all the way up).

And you can also turn the 3D OFF Completely.

And 3D is good for working out your eye muscles & brain to keep them in shape as shown in this link:

And the Nintendo 3DS has downloadable 3D Music videos from today’s American music artist which I have already downloaded the 3 free 3D Music Videos to watch anywhere and the 3DS has 3D “Blue Man Group” video and College Humor (in 3D) with the FREE “Nintendo Video” App that you can download (but its 4 3D Videos at a time and they replace them once in a while) and you can download cheap downloadable 3D Apps & 3D games costing from 99 cents to $5.99 and the Nintendo 3DS also has FREE downloadable 3D Apps & 3D Games, which I have already downloaded 3 Free 3D Apps and I have downloaded 2 Free 3D Games and the 3DS has a 3D Camera and I have already used the 3DS 3D Camera to take 3D photos and I have uploaded some of my 3D footage online using the Nintendo 3DS’s Web Browser to upload my 3D footage online and I have used my 3DS Web Browser to also download other peoples 3D footage from the Internet on my 3DS Web Browser and I have view all sorts of 3D content on 3D Websites online on my 3DS’s Web Browser and I have use my 3DS 3D Camera to play 3D Augmented Reality games as well and it’s all in 3D without the Glasses using the 3DS 3D Camera and It has beautiful 3D HD graphics that equal to that of a 3D HD version of Wii Graphics and I have Streamed 3D Videos Online on my 3DS in the eShop and I have also Watch 3D Trailers for upcoming 3D movies coming to Theaters in 3D and I have done all of this in 3D Without the Glasses.

So you can pay $169 for a Nintendo 3DS and buy the greatest Games ever & all in 3D Without the Glasses like Cave Story 3D and Kid Icarus and Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 using the MOTION SENSORS to play the game like if you were turning a real wheel to turn the Kart left & right and also play such other 8 GB 3D Games like TheatRhytem Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts 3D and Crush 3D and Shinobi and Animal Crossing and Rodea the Sky Soldier and Michael Jackson: the Experience 3D and Ridge Racer 3D and Super Street Fighter 4 3D and Monster Hunter 4 and Golden Sun 4 and Star Fox 3D and Zelda 3D and Sonic Generations 3D and Tetris 3D and Resident Evil: Revelations and Tekken 3D which also has the 3D Movie Tekken the Movie 3D in it to watch and also play other 8 GB 3D HD games as Spider Man 3D and 100% of the 3DS games are in HD 3D Without the Glasses.

Also, the screen is perfectly fine, in terms of resolution. Anyway, it’s the pixel density that matters, not the actual number of pixels. The 3DS pixel density is MUCH sharper than an average HD TV of, for example, 32 inches. It’s perfectly fine. Not everything has to be 1080p you know. Since 1080p at 32 inches is worse than just 240p on the 3DS.

And they’re making Angry Birds 3D as a downloadable game.

And the 3DS has DLC (Downloadable Content) like Xbox Live for a bunch of 3DS games to add content to the game cartridge later on.

And 1 of the Free 3D Apps I have downloaded was Netflix.

And Netflix is getting 3D Movies in the next few months, so for $169 you can watch 3D movies on the free Netflix App on the 3DS in 3D Without the Glasses.

And 100% of the people who have said that they get headaches from 3D, have said that after up to 1 to 2 weeks of using the 3DS they NO LONGER get headaches anymore and that they now play with the 3D all the way up 100% all the time, non-stop.

But I have never had any problem with the 3D at all, but each person has a different experience with the 3D ON during the first week.

And you can now pay to download Permanent 3D & 2D Videos on the 3DS.

And the 3DS is getting Hulu Plus before the end of this year (2011) as a Free downloadable App and Hulu already has 3D Content.

And you can check this Link below for more 3DS Games:

P.S. You will want to check these sites out for the Web Browser’s 3D ability:

And the 3DS is getting a Wi-Fi Update this MONTH to RECORD 3D Videos and upload it to YouTube and all of this in the 3DS this Month by hooking your 3DS up to a Wireless Internet Connection like Wi-Fi or your own Home Internet or the Library and so fort during this Month as shown in this Link.


Linda asks…

How can I work from home using the Recording and Music Technology degree I earned at MMI

Nagesh answers:

BurnLounge–have your own personalized online music store. Invite family, friends or anyone to browse, sample and buy music. I have a store at and I enjoy doing this!!

BurnLounge is a fantastic new deal on the internet! They just started in November 2005 and have grown quite rapidly since. They have music sites now, but will be adding ringtones, movies, DVDs, video games, concert tickets, audio books and other things later.

They also allow new (or old) musicians the opportunity to distribute their music with them and they offer people the opportunity to have their own online music stores. BurnLounge is contracted with the top 4 music marketing labels, which makes everything they have online LEGAL to download.

If you would like more information, please feel free to send me an email and I will do what I can to help you ( or

My site is and you can also research them at and

Robert asks…

Can someone tell me all the details about the Nintendo 3DS?

Price? Colors of system? Games? other features? backwards compatability?

Nagesh answers:

Here are FACTS, NOT OPINIONS, about Nintendo’s 3DS.

Here’s the expected release date for Japan, North America, Europe and Australia:

* JP February 26, 2011
* NA March 2011
* EU March 2011
* AUS March 2011

Three color were shown so far are: blue, red, and black. Although, purple and bronze/orange versions were also seen at E3 2010.

There’s no price for it in North America/Europe/Austrailia, yet, but it will be ¥25,000(yen) in Japan (around $300 US).

Speculations are thinking that it might be less than $300 since the older DSes(DS Phat, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL) were $40-60 less than that of the Japan release price. Maybe the same price as PSP Go at launch.

It is backwards compatible with all the DS softwares as well as DSi softwares(wares).

If I give you most all of the details I know so far, but it won’t fit on my answer, so I’ll give you some of the features.

Some of the features:
The 3DS graphics is the closest handheld gaming device that comes close to 360/PS3 graphical wise(you gotta see it to believe it; specs don’t count), it supports 2 screens, 1st screen as a 3D screen without glasses(it’s real and it works, you can also turn off the 3D if you want 2D), 2nd screen as a touch-screen, compatible with the old generations of DS softwares, gyroscope, accelerometer, audio player, 3 cameras(one inside, and two outside), capable of taking 2D/3D photos and capturing 2D/3D videos, 2D/3D movie playback, multitasking(i.e. You can access web browser while playing a game), Virtual Console Service(which was not available with the DSi/DSi XL) and some 3D remakes of classic retro games(GB, GBC, GBA, NES, SNES, and more), also compatible with DSi Wares, 3DS Mii Plaza (Mii creation), augmented reality games, CrossPass” (which can automatically seek and connect to wireless network nodes such as Wi-Fi hotspots, sending and downloading information in the background while in sleep mode or while playing a game), 3D TV streaming(only available in Japan at the moment), e-book reader,better online capabilities, video chat, shop channel, web browser (and anything you do on the web like mail, facebook, etc.), and more which weren’t fully announced by Nintendo. Plus the games are longer and are quality games.

Some games that will be coming out for it:
Metal Gear Solid 3, Super Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil: Revelation, Resident Evil: Mercenaries, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Times, Kid Icarus, Paper Mario, Star Fox 64, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, Mario Kart, Kingdom Hearts series, Final Fantasy series, Dead or Alive 3D, Ninja Gaiden, Samurai Warriors 3D, Assassin’s Creed: Lost Legacy, Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, Call of Duty, Megaman Legends 3, and more. There will also be 3DS ware games, like Cave Story.

Some features:

Few of the games that will be coming out for it:

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition:

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater:

Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright

More games being played live:

3DS Shop Channel:

You can check out more about 3DS here:

You should know that glasses-free 3D cameras and videos don’t come cheap and you’re looking at about $500+, but 3DS packs more features, yet it’s only less than $300. If you think about it, the iPod Touch cost more than the 3DS when it comes to features and games.

Lisa asks…

What happens in Megan is Missing?

I really want to know/see but I live in the uk and you can’t get the DVD. So can someone tell me whats happens or give me a way to watch it. Thanks!

Nagesh answers:

Megan and her best friend Amy are very oppsite types of girls (both 13-14). Megan strives to be popular, and is really involved in the party scene: drugs, alcohol, sex, etc. Amy is not popular and socially awkward, and sees her friendship with Megan as her chance of being accepted.They like to use web chat cameras or cell phones both with each other and as a way to meet guys over the internet. Megan meets an older boy named Josh (17) in a chat room. Megan and Josh become “close” via internet, and Amy starts feeling left out. Megan decides to meet Josh in person and disappears. Amy tries to find her, but ends up disappearing, herself, after also beginning communication with Josh. The movie is supposed to be a warning to parents and teens about the dangers of meeting people online.

In terms of where to see it, you can rent it on iTunes or download it.


So, as I said, it is supposed to be a warning. Therefore, it isn’t a happy ending for the girls. Both are raped. Megan’s body is mutilated after she is killed, and photos are posted on a fetish site. Megan’s remains are put into a barrell. After being raped, Amy is put into the barrell (alive) and buried.

Joseph asks…

Does anyone know where or if I can watch Casino Royale free online?

Nagesh answers:

Go to this website:

It has both an old version and the new version and it’s completely free just click on one of them. THe only thing is it will show you the movie but in like 15 minutes it will ask if you want to upgrade to premium to continue to watch in good quality and if not then you can continue to watch in bad quality. Just click bad quality it’s not really bad at all. Oh and be sure to click play again but other than that it is free, safe and no download required. Have fun watching the movie 🙂

Hope this helps 🙂

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