Sandra asks…
How can i put movies in my itouch without legal problems.?
I need to put movies on my itouch because im going on a trip soon so i want to know it its legal to download like 2 movies using utorrent and because im scared of getting fined so much money.
Is there any way i can custom settings so people dont share off of me or hide my I.P adress or ANYTHING like that so i can download a few movies ??
please and thanks 🙂
Nagesh answers:
It’s not legal per say, but you can download a program called PeerGuardian which blocks most of the movie companies etc from seeing what you are doing
Maria asks…
Any legal sites to download full-length movies for my Ipod?
I would like to download some movies that work with Itunes and my Ipod. Itunes doesnt have many choices…..
I will pay for the movies, ,,,just want a bigger selection than what ITunes offers. I want the movies to work on my Ipod and Itunes
Nagesh answers:
Well for a start downloading any movie off the web is illegal, UNLESS somehow, you pay for it BUT it must be a legitimite website not a scam one..
Paul asks…
Legal Websites to download movies?
Any other sites like offer free movie downloads?
Nagesh answers:
Jenny asks…
Why is it legal to record tv/movies from tv’s but not download the shows from the internet?
So you have a vcr/ dvd recorder and record movies, or even entire seasons of tv shows as they air..
Why is that ok, but people still look down on downloading the exact same things on a computer?
If the argument is I pay for cable, well, I pay for internet… If your agument is commercials, well you can skip the commericals after you record it, or even edit them out.
So why is one method ok, while the other “illegal?”
Nagesh answers:
It is because the company broadcasting the show got paid by the cable company to carry the show. The rights were paid for. The content providers were paid in that case. If you burn the DVR show to DVD, that is technically a violation. When you pay for internet, nobody is paying the content providers. Therefore, you violate copyright law, and can be arrested and sued. If a virus or trojan is downloaded with the movie or show download, there is no one to blame. That happens a lot. I and many others keep answering how to fix a PC with a virus, and most times, it is right after a download.
If it is a broadcast with commercials, then the commercials paid the content provider whether you skip over them or not. And, even with that, a DVR copy is for personal use only.
Daniel asks…
Legal sites to download movies?
Tell me now
i am srry 4 bein rude
Nagesh answers:
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