Your Questions About Download Movies Legal

Nancy asks…

Is it legal to download movies from this website, Is it sketchy?

I wanted to sign up with this website and download movies but they asked for my social security and thought it was a little sketchy. Is this website legit and is it legal?

Tell me what you think
If you don’t think so, what is a website that is reliable?
OR what is a software that is reliable and can rip dvd’s?
I just want to be able to put as many movies as possible on a hard drive and be able to watch them when I want. Internet can’t do that because I might not have internet, so if I have it on a hard drive them I can always view them

Nagesh answers:

Downloading movies or music without paying for it is against the law.

Chris asks…

I have used to download movies. It is not a P2P site so does that make the downloads legal?

It has mainly older movies and no current ones like on P2P sites. I got an abuse notice from using a P2P site. Do you know of other sites like Stagevu.

Nagesh answers:

If the movie is copyrighted, it is illegal to download it from just about anywhere. If you don’t what to get the abuse notice for example, there are things you can do.
There are a couple of privacy services out there. You need to pay unfortunately! 🙁

1) Torrent guard and other such services. Your torrents go through an HTTPS proxy, the link between you is always through the third party service and everything is encrypted.
2) Use a seedbox or virtual machine online. This means you download the torrents to another computer, then you can transfer them encrypted to your PC.

There is a whole forum for discussing seed boxes at torrent-invites, here is a thread:

Betty asks…

Providing online users to download bollywood and/or hollywood movies through a website, is legal or illegal?

I am thinking to make and launch a website, through which online users can download bolloywood and hollywood movies and I will take charges from the users for doing this.

Is it legal or illegal to upload these movies to the server of the website?

If it is illegal, then there are many websites, who are providing these same facilities, how they do manage?

And if it is legal, then where from can I get the authorization to do this?

Nagesh answers:

Actually that IS illegal…
Downloading movies for free is piracy, crime
You could be fined and even imprisoned

Mandy asks…

Is it legal download movies from

They do give you the option to do so.

Nagesh answers:

If it involves money then it is legal. Otherwise……

John asks…

are there any legal good sites to download movies for my nexus s android phone?

Nagesh answers:


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