Your Questions About Directions

David asks…

How does following directions affect you in a positive way?

How does not following directions affect you in a negative way?

Nagesh answers:

They reflect the way you present yourself, given certain situations.
Whether you are following or not following directions, you are giving impressions of yourself to others, and they will evaluate your actions as either good (following) or bad (not following). In return, how others perceive you based on your actions, you might be influenced by their opinions. Their feedback will develop feelings about yourself

Donna asks…

How can I obtain the insert directions for Cushion Grip Thermoplastic Denture Adhesive?

I have lost the insert directions for Cushion Grip Thermoplastic Denture Adhesive, and no one at a store I’ve tried will open a container to copy them for me. Can anyone help?

Nagesh answers:

Go to this website below and read directions/reviews to get instructions.
Hope this helps.

Note: Copy and paste it to web address.

Daniel asks…

What is the longest lasting Directions hair dye?

I’ve bleached my hair with directions bleach kit and used flamingo pink directions hair dye over the top. I dyed it around last week and the colour has somehow faded already and i havent really washed my hair yet! I was wondering what is the longest lasting hair colour dye?? Green, blue, pink, red, purple..?!

Nagesh answers:

The longest lasting brightly colored hair dye is Special Effects. It lasts longer than Manic Panic, Punky & La Riche Directions. This stuff will stain surfaces in your home so be prepared with a little bleach to clean it up.

Nancy asks…

How to teach young people about stage directions?

I facilitate a drama club and noticed the young people don’t really understanbd stage directions. I have come up with an exercise that teaches them the layout of the stage, stage right, upstage etc.

I need something to follow this up, any ideas for games or exercises?

Nagesh answers:

There is a warm-up we used to play that had the double purpose of warm-up and getting your stage directions nailed.

It’s your regular, walk around the stage, now walk like your sad, happy, energetic, etc. Typical warm-up. All about provoking quick reactions and changing your body state. Then it would be, walk downstage, walk upstage.

Then once we had that down we’d incorporate things like “Shock Stage Right” and everyone would react as if they’d just received a shock from the direction of stage right. Or we get more complicated locations like cluster “down left center”.

You make it really quick and snappy and it just becomes second nature. And then it gives you a practical application because the things being called out will be similar to what is said when being directed by your directors.

And its great fun especially if you turn it into a game where people get eliminated.

Mark asks…

How long does directions hair dye take to fade?

I have slightdark ginger hair and i was thinking of dying it red using directions hair dye (i don’t want extreme red and i dont want to bleach and ruin my natural hair.) i’m just wondering how long it will take to fade? Thanks! 🙂
I really don’t want it to come out bright i just want a bit of a red tint to it because i’m bored with my hair 🙂 but thanks for the stargazer suggestion. My only problem is my school so i’d like it to fade quite quickly.

Nagesh answers:

In my expierence directions hair dye doesn’t work on hair that isn’t white so id try stargazer if I was you just my opinion 🙂

If you follow instructions and leave it on 30 mins it lasts 6-8 washes, but a tip for it lasting longer is leave the dye on your have for a few hours it doesn’t damage your hair as it is only semi permanent and itll make the dye last twice as long.
Hope this helps 🙂

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