Donna asks…
How do I verify Driving directions I got on a site like google maps or mapquest?
I do not own a GPS or cell phone with maps so I have to go off internet directions for now. I want to go to the Playdium in MIssisauga Ontario (from Niagara Falls, NY), I am unfamiliar with canadian highways. I would like to make sure these directions are correct before setting out, because sometimes sites like mapquest tend to not be specific enough or they lead you in a wrong direction sometimes, how do I do this, thanks!
Nagesh answers:
Best to check 2 or 3 sites. I have found this one to be best.
Richard asks…
What directions do I take from port authority manhattan NY to Fairlawn NJ?
How do I get to Port Authority in Manhattan? Im planning to take the bus 164 to Fairlawn NJ, but idk what to do, and what directions to take. I live in Queens so idk how to get to Manhattan, like what stop of a subway train do i get off to get to port authority? then how do i get to fair lawn?
Nagesh answers:
Penn station 34st and go upstairs and you are right in the port authority but it depends what train you taking from queens you might have ti transfer good luck
Mark asks…
What different directions can you take getting a degree to become a social worker?
I am 23 and wanting to go back to school. I am interested in learning about social workers. I would like to know about the different directions you can take with this. Or is it only working with families and potentially taking kids from their parents? What type of pay is it? Is there a need for social workers out there or are jobs limited?
Nagesh answers:
Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook
Article on Social Workers
Nature of the Work
Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement
Job Outlook
Projections Data
OES Data
Related Occupations
Sources of Additional Information
Mandy asks…
How do you find directions to somewhere?
Before mapquest, how did you find directions? On an atlas, do they include all the interstates? B/c I couldnt find some. And, how do you find directions to a specific place like place to eat, shop, etc? I mean not using the internet.
Nagesh answers:
You can always go back to old school and ask some one for directions. At a gas station or convenience store. Tourist information is also a good place to ask plus they have pamphlets and brochures for the local area
Susan asks…
what are the directions for the scunci steamer?
my friend gave me a scunci steamer but lost the directions, how does it work?
Nagesh answers:
I would contact the Scunci steamer company and ask them to send a manual, you can get the 1-800 numbers of companies from the internet type in a search engine for 800 numbers for companies, I would suggest (ask website(formerly known as askjeeves) for this information or try going to their website. Good Luck !
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